Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Fireplace PLEASE!!!

You guys weren't kidding when you said it was cold back home!!  We are currently in St. Augustine, FL and are wishing the boat had a fireplace.  Ran 64 very cold, foggy and rainy miles from New Smyrna Beach to St. Augustine on the inside.  The outside had 4 - 6 foot seas with 20 knot winds.  Listened on VHF as a Coast Guard helicopter dropped a rescue swimmer into the water to go to a sinking sailboat!!  Glad we decided to run the inside.

Not as much fun stuff to write about as there was in the Bahamas.  Hope everyone is safe and warm and getting ready to celebrate the holidays! 

Saturday, December 18, 2010

We're back in the States ...

And already missing the Bahamas.   

The crossing was great.  Cathy took the ship out of the channel into the ocean and captained it for about 10 minutes until she got bored and then turned it back over to Terry.  But she did awesome for those 10 mintues.  Bigger seas coming back than on the way over though.  Slow rolling 2 -3 feet waves on the side with a light wind at our back.  As we got closer there were a few 5 -6 footers that snuck up on us but they were coming from the side so not too terrible. 

The city marina in West Palm was CRAPPY!  Really small slips, lots of seagull poop and no internet access!!  Hence no blog post yesterday.  Cleared our ridiculous Customs in West Palm with ease. No wonder they can't secure our borders...  Pretty sad that the Bahamian government has figured out how to do customs and immigration better then the USA.

Day 2 in the US:  Got up before sunrise to get moving so we could put as much distance between us and South Florida as possible.  South Florida boaters pilot their boats like they use to drive on the Jersey turnpike before they retired and moved down here!!

154 nautical miles from West Palm to New Syrmna Beach.  Went on the outside and had really smooth seas.  Watched the water temperature drop from 80F to 68F.  Went around Cape Canaveral and saw the Space Center and Space Shuttle out on the landing pad.  Pretty cool!  Saw lots of sea turtles - some as big as Mini Coopers.

Stayed the night at New Syrmna Beach Marina.  Great place, really cheap and they have internet access!  Too tired to go out to dinner so we stayed on the boat and had to settle for fresh lobster from Port Lucaya and fresh Wahoo from West End...  This boating life is tough!

On to St. Augustine today. 

Thursday, December 16, 2010

One Month Anniversary

Left Port Lucaya yesterday to travel to West End.  A short 30 mile jaunt.  Cathy drove the boat and learned all about COG (Course Over Ground), Waypoints, Headings and all sort of "fun" things you need to know to navigate a boat!  She did well - or at least she didn't hit anything!

Now sitting here in West End we realize it is a month to the day that we set sail out of Charleston waving at our friends on A dock on a beautiful sunny morning.  As we are preparing to head back we are sure it is just as warm as when we left, right?!?!?!  It has been a fun month.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Free Water at our new marina!!

Left Bimini Wednesday Dec 8th at 11am headed North towards Port Lucaya on the Grand Bahama Island.  Waves were anywhere from 3 - 5 feet.  Cathy got a little sea sick!  McKenna did fine.  Nothing seems to bother her.  Weather and seas got progressively better and by the time we hit Port Lucaya the seas were very calm.  Port Lucaya is MUCH more developed than Bimini but we have FREE WATER!  Tons of restaurants and places to go.  We almost miss the seculsion of Bimini but it will be nice to get to a grocery store and re-supply some groceries.

Thursday was a nice relaxing day of exploring the island.  A new sail boat arrived at our marina Thursday night that had 2 children - Nicholas (7) and Naomie (10).  They are from Switzerland and a very interesting family.  McKenna is loving having some new kids to play with. 

Friday our family and the new family took our dinghys out to go snorkeling.  It was truly amazing.  The fish were so beautiful.  All different colors, shapes and sizes.  The fish must be use to being fed because they would swim right up to your mask!!  Saw one medium size fish that looked like a shark.  Luckily it was not but it gave Cathy a scare.

Friday afternoon we went to swim with dolphins.  The dolphins were named Indy and Andros.  Indy was 15 years old and his half brother Andros is 10 years old.  They were very entertaining and McKenna, Cathy and Terry loved the experience.

Friday night there was a big Christmas party in the village square.  They had clowns, dancers and all kind of entertainers.  The most amazing was a man that could go under the Limbo poll that was 18 inches off the ground!!  No kidding - it was quite a feat!

Pretty cool, huh?

Not sure when we will be heading home or if we will come home (just kidding).  Love and good wishes to everyone back home.  More later . . .

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Fins to the Left - Fins to the Right - We're the Only Bait In Town

The longer we are down here - the more Jimmy Buffet songs make sense - we would all kill for a Cheeseburger right now.  You can only eat so much seafood!! 

Yesterday afternoon we visited the Bimini Biological Field Station aka Shark Lab.  A couple days ago while on the boat we watched a show on Discovery Channel about "The Whale that Ate a Shark".  Much of the research for this show was done at a lab in South Bimini.  Terry bumped into several of the young people that work there.  He asked them if we could come tour their facility.  They said yes and it was amazing . . .

We thought it would be fun and educational for McKenna.  Who would have thought that we all learned so much and had an incredible time!

From standing right next to a 4 foot Lemon Shark . . .

To petting a baby Lemon Shark (18 inches long)

Our time at the Bimini Shark Lab was truly amazing.

A special thanks to Jill (from England - whose parents just immigrated to Canada) and Jim (who got his Marine Biology degree from Coastal Carolina in Myrtle Beach, SC!!) 

Just for fun - thought I would include this picture of a starfish we also saw today.  It was huge (as you can tell by Terry's foot being next to it)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Changes in Latitude - Changes in Attitude - Changes in Plans

EDITOR'S NOTE:  Some of the content on this blog may be changed or altered as we just learned that McKenna's 5-K class at St. Joseph's has been following our activities!!  :-)

So we finally get our $53 part to stop the engine from shooting gallons of water a minute into the engine compartment.  Terry had it installed by Sunday night (with the help of Charlie, the local island marine mechanic) and it actually worked! Woohoo! So we checked the weather again and decided we would leave Monday AM to either Port Lucaya or Nassau...  it would be bumpy seas but we're tough, right? Monday morning Terry tells Robbie, the dockmaster, we're leaving. 

Robbie says "No mon. See aw dose lobsta boats tied up to de docks? Dey're in dere fur a reason. And dey don't have no wife and daughter on board."

So Robbie and Terry hopped in the golf cart and the raced down to the inlet.  Terry came back after watching a 120 foot Hatteras get hammered on the waves and said to get comfy we're gonna be here a few more days.   This picture does not do justice to how big those waves were!  Honest!!

Here in the Bahamas the weather looks like six foot seas and 25 knot winds at least through Tuesday night
The wind and rough seas were brought by the cold front that has hit the States so hard this week. It is freezing here by Bahamas standards.  The highs are in the 60s!  Of course we did see the low in Charleston on Monday was in the upper 20s F so we really aren't complaining!!  Guess it ain't so bad being stuck here after all. Of course McKenna and Cathy had to put on long pants for the first time since we left Charleston.

Terry refuses, and is still wearing swim trunks and flip flops (although, with a fleece pullover!)

Monday we went Bone fishing in the Mangroves with Eagle Eyes Fred.  He could spot those fish from 100 ft. away in that crystal clear water.   This was convenient because it allowed us to see all of the really big fish we were NOT catching!  Fred said it was the cold front that made them not hungry.  We still had fun and saw a bunch of Lemon Sharks and Barracuda too!

Photo by McKenna Sullivan

Life ain't too bad in Bimini even with a change in plans;  we're on Island Time after all!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Lazy Days

The last couple of days have been pretty uneventful – except for McKenna losing her second tooth!

 She was very worried that the tooth fairy would not be able to find her in Bimini.  Luckily for her the tooth fairy did find her and brought her a glow in the dark puzzle of the ocean life.  We had a great morning putting it together.
 McKenna is turning into quite the Island Girl.  Her daddy and her opened a coconut and she drank the juice.  She loved it!

We had a wonderful dinner at the resort the other night.   It was local’s night and dishes were only $10 a piece and Bud Light was 10 for $5.  We definitely took advantage of that deal.  Right now we are running low on toilet paper and beer on the boat.  Not a situation you want to be in!!
Walked to see the sunken ship, Gailent Lady. 

This morning from the boat, McKenna and Cathy saw a stingray jump completely out of the water.  It was at least 3 feet out of the water.  You could see the entire body and tail!  It was amazing.  Wish I had gotten a picture of that.
Terry went by tender  this afternoon to get our part for the boat.  Hopefully he will be able to fix the hose and we can move further South to Nassau tomorrow.  
More later . . .

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Snorkeling the Bimini Road

Had a great day today.  Took the tender out to the North side of the island and went snorkeling.  Cathy and Terry snorkeled around the 3 Sisters rock formation.  McKenna was too scared to try.  Cathy was scared too but did it anyway.  It was amazing!

Small storm came up so we went and beached while the storm passed.  Found some beautiful conchs.

When the sun came back out, we decided to go find the Bimini Road.  GPS took us right over it.  McKenna decided she wanted to try.  She did great.  She did not want to get back into the tender!!

What an amazing day!

Lucky Night

The other night (Monday Nov 29th) we decided to go out for pizza.  Walked to Edith's Pizza in Porgy Town (about 2 miles).  Had a wonderful dinner!!  McKenna was tired so decided to get a taxi.  Edith phoned the taxi but they didn't pick up so she asked her husband Charlie to drive up back to the marina.  Charlie, who is an American and been living on the island for 15 years, just happens to be a Marine mechanic.  He works on Cummins diesel engines!!  He agrees to look at our engine.  When he comes aboard he agrees with Terry that it is just a metal bracket to reattach the hose to the engine.

Terry ordered the part this morning.  It was $50 bucks.  It should be here on Saturday!  How awesome.  Looks like we will be able to get home after all.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Had wonderful day in Bimini

Despite the problems with the engine, we are having a wonderful time.  Saw a beautiful sunrise from the boat.  Walked to the beach and had our own private beach for the entire time.  McKenna and Terry went snorkeling.   We all found beautiful pirate glass, sea shells and so many conchs we could carry them all!!

After a wondeful day at the beach we spent time at the pool and relaxing on the hammocks at the resort. 

We walked to the beach again to watch the most beautiful sunset I think I have ever seen.

Later that evening everyone helped prepare a delicious dinner of fresh caught lobster.  This was the best dinner we have had on the boat - hands down!!

No telling what we will do on Monday!!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

No Worry Mon

7:15am cast off lines from Hall of Fame Marina in Ft. Lauderdale
8am leaving Port Everglades Inlet headed East towards Bimini, Bahamas.  Weather beautiful, calm seas, slight wind East Southeast
10:00 am Spot a huge North Atlantic Right Whale off the port side
12:00noon  Land Ho! 8 miles away
12:35pm Starboard engine alarm goes off.
12:35 and 5 seconds Terry bolts down into engine room.  A hose has busted loose and water is coming in the engine room.
12:35 and 10 seconds McKenna and Maureen put on life jackets
12:35 and 45 seconds Terry shuts down starboard engine.  Water stops coming in.
12:40 pm 3 miles from Bimini and Terry realizes that we get even better fuel mileage on only one engine.
12:41pm Cathy and Maureen crack open beers and light up cigarettes
1:30pm entering Alice Town North Bimini Channel. McKenna says  “I’ve never seen water so beautiful in all my life!  I’m never going to miss home!.” 
1:45pm Make it to the docks at Guy Harvey Big Game Club Marina in Alice Town, N. Bimini, Bahamas.  Boat is now quarantined – only Terry can leave the boat until we pass customs.
1:46pm Terry walks to Customs officer and on the way debates whether to stop at a bar and drink a few hours in peace…
2:30pm Clear customs and everyone exits the boat to the bar!
More later tonight . . .

Friday, November 26, 2010

Traditional Thanksgiving

Had a quiet day of watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and just hanging out on the boat.  After listening to the VHF we were glad that we had decided to cross on Saturday morning instead of Thursday.  There were 4 distress calls to the Coast Guard yesterday!!

For our Thanksgiving dinner we went to "Bierbrunnen Beer Garden Sports Bar and Fine Food".  Terry and I had Jager Schnitzel and Weiner Schnitzel and Goulash.  McKenna had Huhn Fingers (translated Chicken Fingers).  This is what the Indians made for the Pilgrims on the first Thanksgiving right?!?  I guess the main thing is that we were all together and thankful for our family as untraditional as we may be!! :-)  After eating, McKenna and mommy played a mean game of billiards.  McKenna did a great job and beat her mommy!

This morning McKenna is singing "Lou Lou Skip to my Lou" for the hundredth time.  I cannot wait to see Grandma this afternoon!!  Maureen flies in today and will cross over with us.  Terry and I will be sooooooo thankful for someone else to help entertain McKenna.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Cheapest Boat Fix Ever

We got our generator fixed and it only cost us $105!  This will go down in the books as the cheapest boat fix ever. 

Just sitting on the boat in 80+ degrees, drinking beer, listening to Alan Jackson and wishing we had a babysitter!!  Thought the boat was a little bigger but when you have an active 5 year old 24/7 the QEII would not be big enough!

Terry swears he heard McKenna cough!  He is insisting on giving her Nyquil. LOL

Waiting to cross

Just hanging out in Ft. Lauderdale wating for the best weather we can get to cross over to the Bahamas!  We are planning on going in at Bimini.  It could be a Thanksgiving Day crossing but definately by Saturday.

Had a wonderful dinner at Big City Tavern with my cousin Mary Francis and Mike.  Terry had the sea scallops and I had the grilled tuna steak.  Sure beats my hamburger helper dinner!  :-)

Yesterday had a busy day of laundry!  Yes folks - laundry!  Traveling by boat may be romantic but there is always laundry to do!!

Today McKenna has her list of what she wants to do:
1) Have muffin at cute little pastry shop on the beach
2) Get a tattoo
3) Play pool at the German Beer Garden
4) Go swimming in the ocean

There is a tattoo parlor across the street for the marina we are staying at and she has decided she wants a mermaid tattoo.  Last night she said she wanted a heart that said "daddy" but this morning she has changed that to a mermaid tat!  I guess once she realizes they use needles to put on tattoos she'll change her mind (or at least I hope!!)

After the tattoo McKenna wants her mommy to show her how to play pool.  I am sure the teachers at St. Joseph's will be so proud of what McKenna has learned on this trip!!

Well off to breakfast.  More later . . .

Monday, November 22, 2010

Finally in Ft Lauderdale

Sorry I have not been keeping up with the daily posts but we have been running hard trying to get to Ft. Lauderdale.  We were able to get our oil leak fixed in Cocoa Beach, FL but not the generator.  Thankfully the boat's battery runs the frig and freezer when we are underway and then when we get to the marina we just switch to shore power.

Left Cocoa Beach at 7:30 am on Saturday Nov 20th.  Made it to Stuart, FL around 4pm.  Traveled around 85 miles on the ICW.  Water is getting more clear the further we go South.  The water around Ft Pierce was blue/green in color.  Had a family of dolphins surfing our wake in Ft. Pierce.  So cool.  They are so beautiful to watch play and jump!!  They seemed to be performing for us!

Left Stuart, FL at 7:40am on Sunday Nov 21st.  Traveling the ICW to Ft. Lauderdale, FL.  Only going 80 some miles so we should be there around 4pm, right?!?!?!  NO!!!!!  The boat traffic was unbelievable when we got into West Palm Beach and Delray - along with the no wake zones - and then the draw bridges!!  The @*&$!@&  draw bridges!!  There were 28 bridges to go under from West Palm to Ft. Lauderdale.  10 of which we were too big to squeeze under.  And guess what they don't open on your request.  They open on different schedules - some on the hour and half hour and others on the quarter and 3/4 quarter hour!  It was 6:30pm - PITCH DARK, WINDY and RAINING - before we got to our marina Bahia Mar.  Terry and I were very stressed out trying to find the marina in the rain and dark but we DID!!  I was starting to feel like the Griswalds from Vacation!! :-) Terry did an amazing job docking the boat and getting us safely in our slip.

I fixed another awesome meal on the boat (if I might say).  I made homemade Jambalya and served cold beer.  It was a meal fit for tired, weiry travelers!!  We all started watching Shrek and fell fast asleep by 8:45pm!!

Terry woke up this morning at 5:30am and therefore woke me up at 5:30AM!  Luckily I can fall back asleep without any trouble!  Finally came to at 7:30am.  So glad we are at the marina for a few days.  It is nice to stop moving on the boat.  Took McKenna to the beach early but a storm moved in off the ocean.  Quick little storm and now at 11am it is beautiful.  Sunny, light  breeze and blue skies with 75 F.  This is the beautiful Florida weather we were looking for!!

Looking forward to seeing my cousin Mary Francis and Mike for dinner tonight.  Gonna hang out in Ft. Lauderdale for a few days and figure out when to cross to the Bahamas.  I'll keep everyone posted.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day Three - Home Sweet Home

Great night at St. Augustine.  Went on a rainy, spooky ghost tour in downtown St. Augustine historic district.  McKenna loved it!!

This morning Terry (a completely bald Terry since he shaved his head!!!) and McKenna went to play Putt Putt.  It was a tight game but Monkey pulled out a win only to fall along the dock back to the boat.  Terry said it was his guardian angel tripping her for singing "I am the Champion" down the dock!!

Left St. Augustine at 11:15am and went on the outside to New Srymna Beach.  McKenna is keeping up with her school work nicely.  She doesn't like her new teacher as much as Mrs. Kinsey at St. Joseph's. :-)

Got in touch with the mechanic and hopefully we can resolve the oil leak and generator sometime tomorrow.  Will keep all informed as we know.

HOLY COW we have cable TV!  We may never leave New Srymna!  Everything going well. 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Terry just came back to the boat with a SHAVED HEAD!!!!! OMG he looks great.  Thank goodness I love bald men.  This is gonna be a WILD VACATION. 

OK back to reality

Had a great night at Fernandina Beach.  Woke up early with intent to set sail by 9am.  Fueled up and generator would not run!  Also realized that engines used up a quart and half of oil.  We have an oil leak and wind is picking up.  Decide to run on the inside (IntraCoastal Waterway).

At 10am we finally set sail.  Lots of traffic - it appears that everyone decided to go the ICW!  We get to St. Augustine City Marina at 3pm. 

Cathy makes a delicious meal of salad, fresh broccoli and Hamburger Helper!  This is the first time she has ever made dinner on the boat.  Not a bad dinner.  Monkey gave it two thumbs up (McKenna says 5 thumbs up and 5 toes up) and Terry was so tired and hungry he had 3 helpings!!

Getting ready to go for a Ghost Tour through the city of St. Augustine.  Tomorrow we are going to try to make it to Cocoa Beach to meet a mechanic to look at the oil leak and generator.  Hopefully our plans of making it all the way to the Bahamas will not be cut short!!

Day One - Nov 15, 2010

Casted off lines at 8:30am from Charleston Harbor Marina.  Sean, Corina, Tripp, Jenn, Ashley and Savanna were there to wave goodbye.  Gorgeous weather.  Went on the outside of the coast.  Made it all the way to Fernandina Beach, Florida.   Could not have asked for a better beginning to our Bahamas Bound adventure!

Terry and McKenna saw 3 North American Right Whales and a giant sea turtle.  Cathy was napping at the time so she missed out!!