Saturday, December 18, 2010

We're back in the States ...

And already missing the Bahamas.   

The crossing was great.  Cathy took the ship out of the channel into the ocean and captained it for about 10 minutes until she got bored and then turned it back over to Terry.  But she did awesome for those 10 mintues.  Bigger seas coming back than on the way over though.  Slow rolling 2 -3 feet waves on the side with a light wind at our back.  As we got closer there were a few 5 -6 footers that snuck up on us but they were coming from the side so not too terrible. 

The city marina in West Palm was CRAPPY!  Really small slips, lots of seagull poop and no internet access!!  Hence no blog post yesterday.  Cleared our ridiculous Customs in West Palm with ease. No wonder they can't secure our borders...  Pretty sad that the Bahamian government has figured out how to do customs and immigration better then the USA.

Day 2 in the US:  Got up before sunrise to get moving so we could put as much distance between us and South Florida as possible.  South Florida boaters pilot their boats like they use to drive on the Jersey turnpike before they retired and moved down here!!

154 nautical miles from West Palm to New Syrmna Beach.  Went on the outside and had really smooth seas.  Watched the water temperature drop from 80F to 68F.  Went around Cape Canaveral and saw the Space Center and Space Shuttle out on the landing pad.  Pretty cool!  Saw lots of sea turtles - some as big as Mini Coopers.

Stayed the night at New Syrmna Beach Marina.  Great place, really cheap and they have internet access!  Too tired to go out to dinner so we stayed on the boat and had to settle for fresh lobster from Port Lucaya and fresh Wahoo from West End...  This boating life is tough!

On to St. Augustine today. 

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