Saturday, December 4, 2010

Lazy Days

The last couple of days have been pretty uneventful – except for McKenna losing her second tooth!

 She was very worried that the tooth fairy would not be able to find her in Bimini.  Luckily for her the tooth fairy did find her and brought her a glow in the dark puzzle of the ocean life.  We had a great morning putting it together.
 McKenna is turning into quite the Island Girl.  Her daddy and her opened a coconut and she drank the juice.  She loved it!

We had a wonderful dinner at the resort the other night.   It was local’s night and dishes were only $10 a piece and Bud Light was 10 for $5.  We definitely took advantage of that deal.  Right now we are running low on toilet paper and beer on the boat.  Not a situation you want to be in!!
Walked to see the sunken ship, Gailent Lady. 

This morning from the boat, McKenna and Cathy saw a stingray jump completely out of the water.  It was at least 3 feet out of the water.  You could see the entire body and tail!  It was amazing.  Wish I had gotten a picture of that.
Terry went by tender  this afternoon to get our part for the boat.  Hopefully he will be able to fix the hose and we can move further South to Nassau tomorrow.  
More later . . .

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